
Monday, January 23, 2012

What I'm Loving

I'm not one to predict trends. I'm even less liable to actually look forward to them. However, I am super pumped about:

HATS! I discovered a few years ago that I am one of the lucky ducks who can actually wear hats. I don't claim to be able to pull off many items of clothing (I'm not nearly emaciated enough, thank goodness, for most of them), but I've been secretly rooting for the rise of cranial accessories since that day. And it looks like my prayers to the fashion spirits have been answered!!

Update (Jan. 27th, 2012): what did I tell you?? 

This one has basically become my thesis wardrobe. I'm finally embracing that beanies can be cool, thanks to this lovely lady. All I need now is pink hair. (this hat of hers is a little crazier, but I'm head over heels -haaaa- for this one)

BURNT ORANGE! Or dark yellow. Or mustard. Or whatever name you call this general collection of colors, I'm digging it so much that I'm knitting myself a cardigan this color. But really.


SHEERS! It seems like everything has been made sheer recently, especially maxi skirts and sheer panels on dresses or shirts. I'm so jumping on this trend train.




and looking forward just a bit... FRINGE TOP BATHING SUITS! (A girl can dream that it's summer already right?) I mean, how cool is this. It's so unbelievably impractical, so why do I love it so much? Maybe because it emphasizes the ta-tas, something any girl with my body build wouldn't say no to.

All photos via lookbook or or polyvore, unless otherwise noted

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