
Monday, February 20, 2012

And When She's Productive...

...she's very very productive! Woke up this morning, cleaned my room, read an article, wrote a response, and still had time to do two quick DIY's before class!

First, I decided to finally use the leftover cotton rope (actually cording I think) from my doily rug to make the plant hanger I posted about here. Turns out I didn't have quite enough rope to make a proper one, but hey it works!

Note the lack of tassel/tail at the very bottom...

As per my Valentine's day tradition, I bought myself flowers last week (decided to go with potted petunias this year), which worked perfectly to hang.

My pack-rat tendencies also finally paid off when I realized I could use the ring from an old Vera Bradley clutch that I've had stashed away forever for the top ring in this project. Win!

And secondly, I've been dying to make this dainty ring since I saw the how-to on this incredible blog. And I found some blue wire (that I have zero recollection of purchasing) this morning while rummaging for my cotton rope. The wire isn't quite as large a gauge as it should be, but I really like how light it turned out - I usually fidget with any rings I wear, but this one is so light that I don't even notice it.

I also ended up lightly sanding the wire so that some of the copper underneath shows through.

Instagram!! Because my hands are super non-photogenic.

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