
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New York, New York

I'll probably be banned from the internet for saying this, but I've never been the biggest fan of New York City. Too crazy, too hectic, driving is terrible, way expensive, not enough room to breathe, etc.

Well, let's just say the city is beginning to grow on me:

Some of the architecture in the city is just incredible. 

How awesome would it be if this was your front door??

Park Ave

Some other street. With taxis.

New Yorkers love their dogs (and love dressing them up). Maybe a bit too much? Those are pants in the background...

And theeeeeen we found this. Central Park has always kind of wigged me out, but I guess it's kinda super really pretty.

This building was glowing red against the sunset. Cool!

Obligatory photo of the Met. Again, just amazing architecture.

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