
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Giveaway WinnerS!

Sooooo in the past three days, this blog has gotten almost 500 more views. I'm seriously about to cry, you guys are SO incredible, thank you thank you thank you!! It makes me very happy that you guys enjoy what I do here.

So in that spirit, I decided to pick not just one, but TWO winners tonight! Random number generator, can I have two numbers between 1 and 22??

Congrats to Kate and Nicole!! I'll be getting in touch with you guys about your prizes :) 

To everyone else,  I'll definitely be doing more of these in the future as I get more DIY's up here. Thanks again for all your support!!

Edit: aaaaaand you did it. 1500 views. Holy moly guys, you are so awesome.

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