
Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 3: Stunna Cum Laude

Soooo apparently I deleted all the photos I took of yesterday's outfit (hence no post), which means I'll just have to re-take them at some point. Whoops. In the meantime, here's today's outfit in two parts.

This is the outfit I thought I was going to wear today.

hat and shoes, Target
pink underdress, Urban Outfitters
black lace dress, DIY

It was just too uncomfortable though (see how short that skirt is?). Plus, it ended up being 90 degrees outside today (I repeat, 90 degrees in mid-April. We had a foot of snow on the ground this time last year), so I changed into this outfit by like 10:30am.

Yes, I know I said I wouldn't do any "jeans and closest clean t-shirt" outfits, but I'm calling this one fair since I made this shirt! I'll put a tutorial up eventually. In any case, I also put on these sweet earrings and shoes, and kept the hat.

hat and earrings, Target
shoes and shorts, Urban Outfitters
shirt, DIY
belt, thrifted

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