
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Guest Post: Skirt to Dress DIY

So today I have my very first guest post! Berenisse has been one of my best friends for the past two years and is seriously one of the most awesome people I've ever met. Not only is she originally from Peru, but she's also like quadlingual (working on languages five through 30 as we speak), a wonderful painter and artist, and a fellow DIY'er! She also leaves today for a six month journey through Hindu temples across four continents, which she'll be blogging about in English and Spanish over on Between Two Worlds.

In honor of her departure, I asked her to write a guest post about a recent lace skirt-to-dress DIY she did. And here it is!


I started with a long flowy white skirt that was given to me by a person who loved the fabric but was too short to wear it as a skirt. Before making any alterations I attempted to used the skirt as it was as a dress by adding a belt.

However, I was not happy with the length or way the bust looked, so I took off a few inches of the bottom of the skirt and decided to reuse the part that was "cut off" from the skirt.

The cutting part was easy peacy! All I did was carefully pull the thread that attached the "excess" from my skirt and boom!

Carefully taking the bottom tier off the dress


With the remaining part I decided to attach it to the top part so that it could be more flowy, and so that it could cover up part of the bust line I was not happy with. After a few minutes of hand sewing this top part, and adding a belt, I got a nice white dress to sport during the summer.


Oh yeah, did I mention she's also be-a-utiful?? I love the lace and love what you did with the skirt, Bere! Thanks so much for sharing this with me, and I'll be following your every move on your blog! Safe travels love <3

All images provided by Bere

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