
Friday, July 13, 2012

Bracelet/Anklet DIY and Giveaway!!

To reward you, my lovely readers, for being so patient while I worked out my computer/moving/life problems (and visiting in increasing numbers even though I wasn't posting!!), I'm giving you a double dose of awesome today: a DIY for how to make both a delicate bracelet and/or an anklet, and then I'm going to be giving it away to one of you! First, the DIY:

What you need:
A silver chain
Jump rings
Two claw clasps
A couple small charms or pendants

What you do:

1) Measure around your wrist or ankle and cut your chain to that length. Remember you don't have to leave much/any leeway since claw clasps usually come with a bit of adjuster chain attached.

2) Attach the claw clasp to one end of the chain, and the adjuster chain to the other.

3) Attach your charm. For the blue charm, I cut my chain in half and reattached them using a jump link with the bead strung in the middle. Like this:
If you want the bead to move, just slide it onto the chain (you might have to detach the clasp for it to fit).

Since the silver arrow had a flat hook, I just attached it to a jump ring and attached it to the middle of the chain.

4) Done!


And now for the giveaway! 
Here's how to enter:

First, post a comment below stating which of the two (the blue charm bracelet, or the arrow charm anklet) you'd like to win.
Then, you can get one extra entry for each of the following things that you do (post a separate comment for each that you do!)
-Follow my blog (button on the right column of the page)
-Follow me on Twitter
-Follow my Pinterest
-Follow me on Bloglovin

Contest will end at noon CST on July 27th, and winner will be picked and announced shortly after
Good luck!


  1. Adorable! I really like the blue charm bracelet and would love to win it!

  2. Personally I vote for the Arrowhead one!

  3. Thanks Liz. The blue charm bracelet looks so pretty!

  4. I love the anklet! Me want! :)

  5. This was a tough choice - they're both really pretty. However, the blue charm is my favorite of the two. I guess I like a little color with the silver. I also like how you cut the chain in order to attach it to the charm. That way, the clasp stays in back where it belongs instead of wandering into the charm's territory.

  6. Fabulous! Love them both, and the blue one in particular :)

  7. I vote for the blue charm bracelet!

  8. wooooo blue one blue one!

  9. blue one blue one!

  10. Are there guy versions of the prizes?? (if not arrowhead!!)
