
Saturday, August 4, 2012

DIY: Dreamcatchers

So we all know by now that I'm totally obsessed with FreePeople and everything lace, right? I'm a complete hippie at heart (outfit post coming soon to prove it), and have been craving some more earthy love in my life. I found some awesome yarn and this sweet doily (and I always have feathers on hand)... and the rest just fell into place!

What you need:
Embroidery hoop
Various kinds/colors of yarn
Leather fringe/string
Other charms, decorations, etc

What you do:
1) Attach your doily to your embroidery hoop. I think it might be super cool if the doily was a bit smaller than your hoop so you see more of the yarn ties, but mine was an almost perfect fit.

2) Attach leather fringe, more yarn fringe, feathers and beads to the bottom.
Try adding a dab of glue to secure your feathers. Also, excuse my wreck of a manicure :( I promise its prettier now!

3) Add more yarn, leather string, beads or charms throughout the doily.

Try sliding a bead on a string before tying your feather on, the slip the bead over the end of the feather

4) Make a hoop to hang your dreamcatcher, and put in a window or above your bed. Sweet dreams!
Looks pretty good above my happy little succulents in their tiny DIY'ed pots!