
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Beginnings

It's been a rough past six months for me, to put it gently. And it's been really hard not to compare myself and then start feeling inadequate and then getting down on myself and on and on into a downward spiral. In short, it's been hard for me to find things to be thankful for, feel loved by, and feel accomplished about recently.

Soooo, I'm going to be taking time each week to fix at least one of those, by listing 10 things I'm thankful for each Thursday (yay alliteration!). And you can read here (and here and here and here... and pretty much her entire blog...) what Gala Darling, one of my favorite bloggers of all time, says about being thankful. She's pretty damn awesome, amirite?

1) Being chosen to present my thesis work at a small conference in upstate NY, this weekend!!

2) Getting to watch my little savings bank slowly slowly grow closer to my goal (being able to go to reunion!). And on a side note, I'm so glad I've been able to figure out a good budget. It helps!

3) Getting my sewing machine to work (only straight stitch, but hey its better than nothing!) and sewing my first DIY project in months (hint hint)

4) Finding a beautiful library near my apartment. It even has a reading room with a fireplace!

5) Letting go of a few bad influences in my life in favor of fostering some good new ones

6) Finding a beautiful dark wood table at Goodwill and making my apartment finally feel like home!

7) Going for a hike after I woke up feeling really crappy one morning, and getting to stand within ten yards of this handsome fella

8) Figuring out how to bake my very first own pie (raspberry and apple and blackberry yummmm)


10) Discovering that one of my posts has been “GooglePlus”ed almost 17 thousand times... Whatever that means...

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