
Sunday, January 6, 2013

January Life

First of all, welcome to 2013!!!

Secondly, sorry for the silence this week... I am indeed alive and finally in Ohio, yay!! There's snow and cold and I already found an apartment here and I love this town already and I already start my job tomorrow (!!!) and there's so much art and I should REALLY start taking more/better photos. But here's what I have so far from my roadtrip and time here...
The sign that immediately preceded a 3 hour nearly stopped traffic jam in the middle of nowhere, KY. There was indeed a semi on fire at the end.
Aaaaand this is what you get when you drive a minivan pulling a Uhaul behind it...
Explored the OSU campus on a gray and rainy day. Pretty campus though!
Apparently OSU has wizard-themed exercise classes, complete with appropriate prizes and refreshments

The artsy area of town has these beautiful murals all over the place!
This was my favorite, though it was blocked by all the construction, which is also all over the place
There's also a nationally-famous cupcakerie and teashop like a mile from my apartment. Oh boy.

In any case, things are going to be a bit slow over here for the next couple weeks. I'm crashing at my dad's apartment until my lease starts, so the vast majority of my stuff is in storage meaning it's a tad difficult to craft at the minute.

However! As I get settled here and get moved into my new place, I will definitely keep you all up to date. In the meantime, here's a preview of what I'll be doing this month:

>Working on my slow cooker skills by trying a bunch of new recipes
>Reading East of Eden by John Steinbeck
>Planning some new apartment decor DIYs
>Mastering the classic martini (and adding my own twist if I'm brave enough!)
>Writing! (check back later this week for more details on a super secret awesome project I have planned related to this)
>Looking for ways to volunteer around here

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