
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday (Part 1): Four Hours

I have a lot of photos on my camera that I can't upload yet (yay for living out of a suitcase for two weeks!), and they really deserve their own dedicated thankfulness post anyways, so here's half of this week's Thankful Thursday. The rest will follow this weekend!

1> Finally getting into the swing of things at work, and beginning to take over a couple projects!

2> As I get busier though, I've realized that I only have roughly 4 or 5 hours to myself a day outside of work and sleeping, so I'd better start using them more wisely! Less computer, more doing.

3> Getting an incredibly thoughtful (and thorough) email from a friend of a friend outlining a zillion things to do in Columbus. It's bulleted, subtitled, and everything. I'm still in awe.

4> Hearing this baller song come on the radio right when I was about to have a sucky moment on my drive home from work. I was grinning the rest of the way after that.

5> Getting these amazing chocolate truffles from a friend who stayed with me over the weekend while auditioning for an opera grad program here. They were freakin delicious.

P.S. My little sister turns 21 today, which is ultra super weird. But happy birthday, B!

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