
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How To: Cheap and Easy Vanity Table DIY

This little pseudo-vanity table is one of my favorite parts of my tiny little room. Most pre-built vanities I looked at were insanely expensive... Come on, we've all drooled over them on Pinterest - you know what I'm talking about. As a recent grad, it was a bit (read: WAY) out of my budget to spend more on what is essentially a table with some built-in drawers and a mirror than I do on my monthly car payment.

And then I realized wait, it's a table with some built-in drawers and a mirror. I can totally make that. Or at least fake it. Et voila!

Table: $5 at a sample sale (it's seriously 3 pieces of wood glued/screwed together, ultra easy to DIY)
Gold box: $2 also from sample sale (again, spray paint a cheap Joanns tray for another easy DIY)
Mirror: reused from this home DIY from my last apartment
Plastic drawers: Target for like $15 bucks
Chair: "gifted" from my dad - go thrift one that fits your table for super cheap!

The gold tray on top of the drawers holds all of the things I use daily: face lotion, eye cream, body lotion, deodorant, perfume, etc. My hair tools, make up, and masques/specialty lotions/etc live in the drawers.

Yes, the plastic drawers are a tad janky and should probably be replaced with some decent looking ones (or painted/have a cool scrapbook paper makeover!). Yes, it's not very ornate and the chair doesn't "match". But it's got plenty of natural light, more than enough storage, outlets to plug in my hair dryer/curler, and cost like 40 bucks! I'll take it!

And yes, that "hand of God" pencil drawing is there to stay (it's actually a pencil study that a right handed art student did of his left hand lying on the table). I weirdly love its creepiness.

Gratuitous selfie... Yes I'm way pale, and no my hair is so not really that dark...

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Favorites

Sidebar: what is it with bloggers and title alliteration? Suckers for cheese I suppose.

Anyways, this is probably the biggest blogger-cliche of all time, but I've recently been crushing HARD on two Instagram feeds and thought I'd share the awesome.

First up? @thedogist with his PUPPIES!!!!! And by puppies I mean beautifully photographed dogs around the world, some up for adoption, some missing limbs or traditional cuteness factors, but all so full of personality and life. I've followed "dog a day" type accounts before but these little guys are in an insta-class of their own (see? Hardcore cheesin').

This mean muggin fellow's name is Jesus. I like to think it's pronounced Hay-sus.

Pixel. The most aptly named dog EVER.


The phrase "I can't even..." has never been more appropriate.

And secondly, this gorgeous gal, @dinatokio. Each blogger has their own unique style, yes, but this darling is so genuinely refreshing. Modest, yes, but an absolute inspiration in a sea full of half-naked-on-a-beach-cause-this-swimwear-company-sent-me-here-to-take-Instagram-photos photos. She keeps sneak-peeking a collection she designed too (see the second photo), which I'm very excited to see!

SUCH SASS. And I would totally borrow those glasses and never return them.

Dress. Jeans and heels. City. All of it. Yes.

I would wear this everyday and sometimes to sleep

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

#WCW: OutrageousBabes

One of the people I've had the privilege of meeting since moving to Columbus has been this beautiful and ultra mega talented babe, Jordana. In addition to having travelled and lived all over the world (India and Jordan just to name two of her previous homes), she makes stuff. Awesome stuff. Like floral crowns and clothes and art displays.

She invited a group of friends over to shoot for a flowercrown lookbook a while back, that was so much fun, I just had to share. She brought over suitcases full of lacy tops and flowy dresses, did our makeup, and we basically played dress up for a couple hours in my backyard. Always so much fun hanging with these beautiful ladies!

Want to see more?? Her crowns were recently featured in a beautiful piece by SHK Magazine, and she's constantly posting gorgeous new pieces to her Instagram page! Want to get your own? Head on over to her Etsy page!

Note: most photos courtesy of her Instagram @outrageousbabes!