
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

aaaaaand we're back!

As we head into 2012 (dun dun dun!) I've been bitten by the ol' creative bug again, and with my brand new point and shoot camera in tow, figured I should start this deal back up! In 5 days I'm road-tripping back up to school, where I'll have three weeks to do nothing but make things! Oh and do my thesis. So here's a quick sneak-peek at things I've got planned (unfortunately I was dumb and didn't include where I found these pictures...):

How perfect is this dress? The color, the fishtail hem... I love it!

I'm finally jumping on board the mustard train. I adore this whole outfit.

And yes, also the maxi skirt train! Perfect for when it's -10f degrees outside and I'm in the mood for something girly (and they even can hide boring old leggings underneath for double warmth!)

So hopefully this blog will resume its original use (and hopefully with better pictures...). Using my own hands to create things makes me a happier person. Hope you all had wonderful holidays and happy New Years!

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