
Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Eve (in my dreams)

So I'm spending New Year's Eve in my pajamas with my parents and a glass of sparkling grape juice (maybe with a sparkler or two), so here's glimpse into my night, were I actually going out:

Wearing a dress like this! The one night a year that this outfit is completely acceptable. Four year old me would be in heaven!

Matching sparkly (but not overwhelmingly so) nails! Darkness to balance out the disco up above, and shoes that maybe match this color?

With my hair like this! Gotta keep it up so I don't get too sweaty dancing! Plus all the better to show off that amazing dress

Eating THESE beauties: champagne jello shots! You guessed it, with more sprinkles. How wonderfully classy!

Okay fine, and maybe a couple sparklers still :)

Sighhh. Maybe next year when I'm out on my own? Hope your New Year is much more exciting than mine!

All images via pinterest

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