
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Officially In Love

That's right folks, I've met the brand of my dreams and she goes by the name of Sass & Bide. See her in all her brilliant glory below:

So wonderfully stay-at-home-artist-mom-ish. 

Grecian meets Converse meets sea urchin bracelet. LOVE. IT. Remind you of anything (Emma stone, the neon edition, sorta)? 

Just the perfect amount of maroon peeking through. Note gold metallic stripe along pant leg. 

A nymph fairy and her orbs of light. In a black sequined dress. Perfection. 

My inner marching band geek is freaking out about the tailcoats on this shirt, and the striped stripe down the pants.  

The pants folks, the pants. The floral shirt pattern is just subtle/huge enough to be awesome.  

This is the leather jacket that I've waited for all my life. I want, I want! 

Again with the pants stripe, this time with a built in sash. Oh yes.

All images via Sass & Bide

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