
Saturday, March 31, 2012

DIY: Pastel Jeans

In my mind, bleach is a substance that turns objects that are not white, into objects that were formerly not white. Apparently this is totally a fallacy. See Exhibit A here.

I now present you with Exhibit B.

Take one pair of jeans that I never wear anymore, and dip it into bleach, a la this beautiful blogger. Remove approximately 6 hours later and discover that bleach can not only turn things yellow and eat away a gaping hole in the rear, but make them about three sizes too big! (Or maybe these jeans really were just this baggy to begin with??)


I liked the color though, so after taking them in about six inches (and adding an adorable robot patch), I'm in love! Perfect for all the pastels we're seeing this spring.

The waist/hips are still pretty baggy, but I don't know how to fix that without completely taking the side seams apart...

Isn't he just SOOO cute??

Sorry for the weird smirks. I'm a tired thesis student :(

P.S. You may notice a theme of "failed DIY's" in my last few DIY posts. This is intentional, because I really want to impress upon you that there isn't a perfect formula for crafting and creating. Maybe I'm just a really bad DIY'er, but I fail at projects all the time. The important thing is just to try. And when it's right, it's really really right. And yes, I am hinting at a future post :)

P.P.S. Apparently I love this shade of yellow. I just found two shirts and a dress that are all exactly the same color as these pants.

I mean, really?? Apparently my subconscious really likes this color.

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