Friday, April 6, 2012

DIY Inspiration: Chain Fringe Jewelry

I think it's also time that I introduce you all to two more of my favorite bloggers ever, and their chained jewelry that I'm obsessed with.

loveMaegan is who and what I want to be when I'm 35. She's super adorable, super fashionable, not afraid to be relaxed and let her personality show. She has tons of awesome nail art tutorials, hair tutorials, and DIY ideas (seriously, like a million of them), including this chain headband. She also has the most beautiful hair ever and I'm totally jealous.
Perfect for my (not so) secret inner hippie!

I also have a total (wo)man crush on The Man Repeller. Seriously, I dare you to read her blog for like three minutes and not crack up laughing. She mocks fashion by embracing it, using it against itself (my personal favorites have to be her plastic skirts, worn to keep her "nether-regions dry" - HA). She also sparked quite the controversy when she failed the ultimate man repelling challenge and got engaged!
In collaboration with Dannijo, she recently came out with this "eye" inspired jewelry collection, including this awesome "eyelashed" ring. Considering they're selling for $100+, I think I'll have to stick to DIY'ing myself one. ASAP.

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