
Sunday, September 30, 2012

How To: Accessorize Using Eyewear

I've vowed to make this blog more personal, so here we go. Second and third most embarrassing photos of me ever, and the only photos I have of me wearing glasses:

Bad haircut/hairdo, gum in my mouth, horrible ill-fitting shirt, and holding scissors since I'm in the middle of cutting my friend's hair. Awesome.

Confession: I've had glasses since I was in 4th grade and contacts since I was in 8th, giving me almost 14 years experience with eyewear. And yet I've always hated wearing my glasses since I felt like it was something that separated me from the world, visually. There were my eyes, then this (thick and ugly and nerdy) piece of plastic, then everything else. But somehow it dawned on me today that eyewear can actually be an accessory to your style. (cue mind blown gif) Especially since glasses are SO in vogue right now, and add some cozy to your fall wardrobe. Here's how:

>>>Add some quirk to your look, or emphasize the quirk you already have. Those bejewelled glasses emphasize her haircut and push the outfit just over the edge of awesome. And I mean, how sassy are those kids?? I've heard from reliable sources that See is a great store for vintage and quirky rims.

>>>Use glasses to create or exaggerate the make up look you want. Emphasize your cat-eye eyeliner with half-rim glasses or even cat-eye glasses. Emphasize your smoky eye with dark full-rim glasses. The lines mirror and enhance each other, giving your look even more pop.

>>>Exaggerate a minimalist look by adding clear frames (she's not wearing eye make up, but that's immediately where your eyes are drawn to this photograph!). Clear or even rimless glasses can give you a very professional look.

>>>Exaggerate a not-so-minimalist look (i.e. go big or go home). Exaggerate red lipstick with bright red glasses and big waves! Holding a baby leopard also helps.

>>>Be a lady! Delicate glasses can totally pull together a prim and proper look, without crossing into little girl territory. (I really love the Kate Spade collection for this look)
Note the use of cat-eye eyeliner with cat-eye glasses!

>>>Be a man! Dudes in glasses and suits are hot, period. Ladies, don't be afraid to cross into the "mens" section of eyewear, break those gender norms! I was actually about two minutes away (and three hundred dollars short) of buying some "guys" glasses today. The aforementioned Warby Parker has a beautiful collection.

Myopics unite!

P.S. yes, the first most embarrassing photo of me will be up on here soon, as well as a much better photo of me in my much new and improved glasses.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Updates on Updates

So maybe I should explain myself.

1) Yes, I am still going to Canada, but since visas suck, I'll be hanging around here until January.

2) Yes, I did redesign the site again, but I really like this iteration and think I'll stick with it a while. How rad is that font??

3) Yes, I did do some soul searching about where I want this blog to go/what exactly I'm doing with it. Soooo.....
>>I want this to be more personal. Meaning more personal fashion posts, more posts that relate to me and my life and my style (though there will definitely still be some "oh, if only I had a million dollars I'd buy this ENTIRE COLLECTION" and "omg so shinyyyy" posts)
>>More DIY. Lots more. My sewing machine is broken still, so not quite sure how this is going to happen, but it will!
>>More inspiration. Because we could all use a little more everyday. See: my brand new Tumblr (!!!!!!!!!!!!), threads and thoughts.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Style Inspiration: Ashish Spring 2013

There are literally no words that could express how much I love this collection. Mixing glitter and sweatpants, ripping up overalls for the accidental cutout shoulder (or collarbone or waist) look, hair thrown up with 90's style scrunchies that perfectly says "I'm a grad student subsisting solely on caffeine and adrenaline (but still fashionable, dammit)", and trainers paired with polka dot palazzo pants.

Me too, model who so unbelievably perfectly embodies this collection. Me too.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

DIY Inspiration: Asymmetrical Wrap Skirt

My namesake over at Late Afternoon posted this outfit recently, and my first thought was "oh geez, I both love and could totally make that skirt!" It's a beautiful leather (which, by the way, is so totally unbelievably in this fall) asymmetrical skirt by StyleStalker that basically looks like it's being held in place by a zipper on her left hip.

Oversized leather skirt + scissors + zipper = so easy (at least in my head). Definitely need to see if the reality would work out well. Goodwill here I come!

Images via Late Afternoon

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fashion Want: Pretending I'm A Superman

Dear Fashion Gods,

Please please please please please PLEASE let this become a new trend.

My five year old fashionista self

I mean, you can tell even the model is super digging that cape.

Images via Also, Goldfinger anyone?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Stream of Consciousness On Zara

I stumbled across the Zara TRF September Lookbook via BecauseImAddicted and I love love love it. Largely because of just this first image:

First thought to cross my mind: HOLY MOLY I cannot wait until I can start wearing beanies again, how perfect is that deep maroon?? Also, those boots and that coat and that simple shift dress - soooo good! Add some tights and you've got my perfect winter outfit. (See: Canada)

Second image: hmm, that'd be super easy to DIY. Just take a regular chambray shirt and bleach the crap out of everything but the shoulder piece.

Third image: I TOTALLY have that jacket, except different (mine's leather with black sequins, but the concept is the same). I need to wear it like this ASAP.

The rest of them: yep, toootally wouldn't mind wearing that.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

On Canada And Recentering My Life

I've been sitting here for way too long trying to figure out how to explain the sequence of events that has lead me to this moment in my life. I could talk about how I've felt like a failure this whole summer, unable to get a job. I could talk about how I've watched from the bed in my childhood room as my friends scatter to the four corners of the earth for jobs and other various adventures. I could talk about how I cried. A lot. I could write about the Saturday nights I spent at home in my pajamas or even about how I finally moved into my own apartment because (without going too much into it), my house is not a terribly relaxing place for me.

But what I really want to talk about is Canada. Because at the end of this month, I'm making the move to Vancouver.
...and did I mention that I'll be driving there?

Basically, I was offered an internship with an event/conference planning company that's based in Vancouver but also has offices in Denver and Austria (yes, like the country). I've been thinking of trying my hand at marketing or event planning for a while now (anyone who's seen me plan a surprise birthday party will get this), and I am very ready for a change of scenery so I'm going! Good thing I already like hockey and maple syrup:

Yes, I am absolutely terrified to leave everything/everyone I've ever known (again) to move across the country by myself (again) to start anew in a city I've never seen before. No, I don't have an apartment there yet, or even know where to begin with that. Yes, I am unbelievably excited to do this. And yes, my travel path is more likely to look something like this:
Stops include: Redwood National Forest; world's largest ball of twine, KS; world's largest dinosaur (??), CA; Portland, OR; various friends throughout New Mexico and SoCal; world's largest hot dog, CO; world's largest cowboy boots, TX (of course); world's largest paper airplane, WA -- (And yes, I'd love a passenger or two to join me on some part of the national tour!)

With that said, I think I've decided to take a short break from blogging. I'll definitely still post occasionally, but I need some time to recover from this tough summer, kind of re-discover why I'm even doing this, where I want threadbare to go, what I want to focus on, etc. I hate doing this after being such a sucky blogger the past few months, but ultimately I think it shows that I do need to recharge and refocus.

I love you all, and I'm so thankful for you guys following me thus far! Stay tuned for chapter two - first is the worst, second is the best?

And just b'cause:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

DIY Home Inspiration Series: Part Four


I've raved about how awesome flowers and indoor gardens and outdoor havens really are before (hanging gardens here, succulents here and here), but really. Get yo'self some plants, or at least dump some flowers in a vase-like-object, and see how much better your place looks!

Some tips and helpful info:
1) Kill every plant that comes under your roof? Get succulents, cacti, or (my favorite) orchids. You seriously can dip an orchids into water once a month and they'll love you for it.
My own succulents, in DIY'ed tiny pots

2) Here's a really cool website about houseplants that help clean your air

3) And of course, Apartment Therapy (quickly becoming one of my favorite websites ever) has this great list of how you can DIY your own indoor window box

4) Plants don't have to be overwhelming. Two white roses in a tiny clear vase on a bookshelf is beautiful too!

5) Have fun and be creative with it! Flowers don't have to be pink and girly - add some action figures for extra toughness, or stick with simple greens in indoor plant boxes!