
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Ten Days: Hair Confessional

Warning: longest post ever...

Alright, so remember when I promised you good folks a while ago that you'd get to see my number one most embarrassing photo? That time has finally arrived. I re-dyed my hair for my Ten Days quest, and thought this would be a good time to confess to my love-hate relationship with my hair and show you what I've done with it over the years.


Presenting: roughly 14 year old me at my great-uncle's New England cabin, complete with post-lake air-dried hair, corn shucking, the most unflattering pose ever, a dorky/toothy smile, and untimely blinking.

I'll wait for you to stop crying from laughter. No really, I'll wait.

Done yet? No?

How about now? Ok well I hope so.
In any case, although my hair is still a terrifying beast today (see photo 9 below), I've learned to tame it through copious amounts of coconut oil and learning how to properly blow-dry it. But because my locks have never been terribly beautiful on their own, I've never been afraid to dye and cut and change it frequently, which is the point of this post:


It is only hair, and it will grow back. Want turquoise tips? Do it (see how I did them here!). Want a dark brown blunt bob? Go for it. Side/full bangs? Done/done. Hate it? Wait a little while or go back to the hair stylist! Here's a brief synopsis of my wildly fluctuating hair styles over the past 6 years or so, ending with my current 'do!

Oh the crunchy curls I rocked at my Dad and stepmom's wedding... my natural color though!

One of my high school grad photos. Super dark brown! My sister makes fun of this one since it looks like I have gray hair... 

Freshman year shaggy bob... still dark brown.

Slightly more blunt bob and still dark brown, but more reddish.

SUPER DUPER PROFESSIONAL BLONDE WITH AWESOME HIGHLIGHTS for a play my sophomore year (wassup Helena??)

Fuuuuuuuudge that, back to dark brown summer after sophomore year.

Aaaaaaand then back to a lighter brown/blonde-ish shade later that year.

Frizzy beach hair - Spring Break 2011 baby! Slightly more blonde/massive roots.

BAM SIDE BANGS. Also, junior year ultra-frizz. Not even kidding, this is what my hair looks like right after I blow-dry it.

Not a fan of this weird/uneven brown dye job the summer after junior year.

Curls were my jam senior year - back to a more neutral brown.

Much more natural looking brown curls for my college grad photos

Turquoise tips, woot woot! Except then I had to cut those 5 inches of hair off a month later booo

Amazing strawberry blonde professional color.


...aaaaaand after dyeing it again last night (and realizing I do this face A LOT)...

It's current shade of a slightly lighter strawberry blonde. Really digging the red-ness!


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