Monday, June 25, 2012

DIY Home Inspiration Series, Part 1

As the seasons change, people begin moving into/out of new rooms, places, and spaces, so I've decided to share some of my own decoration tips (I'm proud to say that several people have walked into my dorm rooms and said "oh, it's so home-y in here!"). So here's How to Make Your Room Feel Homier, Part 1.

Get curtains.

No, really. Get curtains. Whenever I tell my friends this, they always whine about not wanting their room to look like their mom decorated for them. But it really is the easiest way to make your room feel more like a home and less like a dorm or crappy apartment.

And just because I'm super awesome, I even found this tutorial on how to make curtains out of a bedsheet. Super easy, super cheap, and makes your room look super nice!!

Images via: Pinterest, DecorPadIkeaElements of StyleYoung House LoveStudioTen25UrbanOutfittersMartha Stewart

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